Here are some pics of our wonderful furbaby Kesari we had to adopt out after fostering from the animal welfare league. We were heart broken to have to part with him. We visited him recently on his 1st birthday sept 05, but we were heartbroken again to hear that he had died suddenly in an accident at his guardians home. Our sweet little baby boy. (21st Sept 2004 - 9th May 2006). We will never forget you.

Little Kesari at four weeks old

Little Kesari at four weeks old

Little Kesari at four weeks old

Kesari at 1 year old (Sept 05) at his home with his
sister Ponya, and his guardians Kacie and Sam


Our Sweet little Kesari at 1 year old at his home with his sister Ponya,
and his guardians Kacie and Sam. Kesari is still the wonderful
darling we remember. We miss him very much, but we know
he is very happy with Kacie
and Sam.

Kesari at 1 year old (Sept 05) at his home with his sister Ponya,
and his guardians Kacie and Sam

There is no difference between my non human animal friend's life and that of a lamb or a pig, They feel and need our compassion & their life is precious to them. Make the connection - Save a life, Protect Animals - Go to

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