Our Wonderful Cats 2 - Save a life, adopt from a shelter

Anjushri & Khensu

March 2005 (Khensu is almost six months here)


Zama Ursu (Peace of Mind Bear or little grey boy as we sometimes call him.& Anjushri playing

Picture taken March 2005


Asrai at six months (March 2005)


Zama, Asrai & Khensu all born 21st September 2004



Khensu at 4 weeks


Zama Zama Ursu at six months Oct 04



 Zama late Oct 04 


Zama (peace of mind bear) at six weeks


Khensu at six months March 05


All our precious little furbaby family are the result of fostering from Animal Welfare League on Gold Coast Q.  Below are the other little furbabies we fostered from AWL but we couldn't keep them all so we found a home for Kesari and his sister Ponya with a lovely couple here on the Gold Coast. Thanks Kacie. We love them all.


Kesari (sanskrit for lion) at six weeks old , october 04

Ponya - (Angel in Tibetan)



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