Cat Index

To Our Loved Ones Passed


May all sweet non human sentient beings
dwell in Dewachen

This is dedicated to all our sweet loved cats who have passed.

May they dwell in Dewachen in ultimate peace and happiness.

Before I go on to talk about my sweet cats, there are other little ones I have also been fortunate enough to have had in my life. Sadly I don't have any photos of them, but they live in my heart and mind.
There were my guinea pigs Fluffy, Whitey, and their little pups who passed in the early 70's. Fluffy lived for about 10 years. Whitey was an albino. We loved them dearly.

There was little Nap and Tammy our budgerigars who passed in the mid 70s. Tammy lived for 10 years, a beautiful blue budgie with a lame leg. Nap only lived 2 years sadly, he was blue and male. He would talk and he would imitate my coughs and sneezes as well :) . He was named by Tina my dear sister who sadly passed in 1978.

There was Mouse who very sadly only lived about one year. I loved Mouse and it was so sad when he passed in 1985 in Red Hill. He was a tabby cat I found on the Gold Coast Hwy when he was about 3 months old.

There was Ginge who was a lovely cat who lived for about 10 years. He adopted our house as well when I was young. He died around the late 70's.

Atticus was one of two little sweeties that were strays kittens we had from birth and we adopted them both. Atticus comes from the movie "To Kill A Mockingbird" which is one of my favourite movies. We shortened his name to Atty. I loved Atty very much. He passed 28th November 1998. They were born 4th October 1988 in Melbourne.

Eyebrows (Eyeseys) is Atticus' sister. We named Eyebrows because when she was a kitten, all you could see is 2 eyebrows as she was a tortie. She was such an independent and sweet little thing. Eyebrows passed 15th September 2004. She was 16 years old. Eyeseys had always been very healthy all her life. I remember them each day with great love. They were my best friends. I hope they all dwell in Dewachen now.

We were so heartbroken to hear on May 9th 2006,
our sweet little baby boy Kesari, whom we had fostered as one of the five kittens, died tragically in a home accident. It was so difficult initially to find a home for him in the first place after we fostered him for the Animal Welfare League and then when we found out he had died, well it was totally heartbreaking. Our sweet little baby boy. We shall never ever forget you. He was such an amazing being, so sweet, peaceful and a complete joy. May he dwell in Dewachen. He was only 20 months old.

Khensu our little black panther we have now reminds me of Atty in that he is also very large already and is quite shy and sookie at times like Atty was. Atty was a quiet but sometimes vocal huge sleek black cat that when people saw him, their mouths would drop as he was so big :) .

I'm so grateful for the love and happiness they
gave me.

Atticus 1989 (one yr old)

Atticus 1989 (one yr old)


Atticus 1990

Me in 1988 Melbourne with all Atty and Eyeseys and their brothers and sisters. We found homes for them all. The mother cat was a stray. Her name was Marmie

These were taken in Melbourne 1989. Both Eyeseys and Atty were 1 yr old.

These were taken in Melbourne 1989. Both Eyeseys and Atty were 1 yr old.



Me and a reluctant Eyeseys 1988 on a cold winter's night in Melbourne

Atty and Eyeseys brothers and sisters

My sweet Eyeseys

My sweet Eyeseys 2004 the year she passed.

[Gold Coast Qld Australia]


My mum in 1998 with her sweet cat Bluey

Bluey (in early 90's)

Bluey (in early 90's)

Above is Bluey. He adopted our house in the
mid 80's. He passed
in 1999

Our sweet little baby boy Kesari

Our sweet little baby boy Kesari, left us too soon. We loved him so very much. May he dwell in Dewachen

(21st Sept 2004 - 9th May 2006)

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