An old cat must receive much different care than that of a kitten to stay healthy.

In order to get an idea of how old your cat is in relation to human terms this chart converts cat years into human years. This will give you an idea of your cat's age so that you can care for him/her accordingly.

 cat's age conversion chart
cat years
human years
1 month
5 to 6 months
2 months
9 to 10 months
3 months
2 to 3 years
4 months
5 to 6 years
5 months
8 to 9 years
6 months
10 years
8 months
13 years
1 year
15 years
2 years
24 years
3 years
28 years
4 years
32 years
5 years
36 years
6 years
40 years
7 years
44 years
8 years
48 years
9 years
52 years
10 years
56 years
11 years
60 years
12 years
64 years
13 years
68 years
14 years
72 years
15 years
76 years
16 years
80 years
17 years
84 years
18 years
88 years
19 years
92 years
20 years
96 years
21 years
100 years


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